Work and Travel 2015 [5]

After i’ve work for a few days, im starting to get used to it. My major role is “Drive-thru presenter” (I don’t know why but its cool for me). I’ve met so many kinds of customers both very very nice customers and not. However, you know what I like being the presenter….because the expression when the customers got their foods, they look so happy… (in case that they didn’t wait forever in the drive-thru line LOL). I saw regular customers that come every morning and im starting to remember some of their orders hahah so weird but they are so nice to me…

After im done work, i gotta walk home (10 mins walk). Well, its okay to walk only 10 minutes you know but here’s the problems: my house is on the MOUNTAIN (so my legs are super tired can you imagine..standing for 8 hours from work and walk up to the mountain); the weather during the day is SUPER HOT (its like the Sun is on top of your head just like that! and i’m melting). Some day i finished earlier so….im going somewhere to explore the island..


Maui Mall in Kahului.

Maui Mall is very small compare to the mall in Thailand but its more peaceful, less people…not crowded. i love it! I was looking around and saw the restaurants, clothes stores, and etc…I’ve spent the rest of my day here until it was late so I went back home……….still I don’t wanna go sleep yet so, i took out my camera (oh everywhere i go, my camera go too!) I’m walking around….then stop and sit on the walk way beside the road..and took photos…it was so peaceful and beautiful like i cannot explain it, if you can see this view with your own eyes, you will see how beautiful of this world is….How i wish i can capture the photo just like my eyes see it…..


Wailuku at night.